
Friday, August 16, 2024

Poems for Aug. 21-- MJ Iuppa Poetry Prize

MJ Iuppa: for MJ Iuppa Poetry Prize

MJ's husband, Pete Tonery told me the MJ Iuppa Poetry Prize is very close to getting endowment stage at SUNY Brockport! This means that the fund will be invested with the returns being used to fund the award. That prize will now be self-sustaining and run in perpetu; ity!  That is an inspiring achievement.
There is one downside- they still need to fund the prize for the 2024-2025 school year. All the funds raised so far are being invested- so we need to have an initial $1000 for the coming year's award. The upside is that we have to raise another few hundred dollars.  If you feel moved to help, details are in this link.

What is the M.J. Iuppa Poetry Prize?

It is a $1000 cash prize awarded annually to a student that

wins the poetry competition.

To win the author must do several things:

Read the supplied biography of MJ

Read one of MJ’s full length poetry books or two chapbooks.

Comment of an aspect of MJ’s life, work or teaching.

Submit three poems for judging:

A free verse

A Cinquain*

A Haiku

This package of submissions will be reviewed and judged by

members of the SUNY Brockport College English Department and

a winner will be selected.

Shortly thereafter, an event will be held with the College, English

Department and a relative of MJ’s to present the check to the

winning author.

For each $1000 we collect the prize will continue for one

additional year. If we raise $25,000, over five years, the money

will become an endowment and continue in perpetuity!

Please give generously.

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