
Friday, November 30, 2018

Haitus: from June 6- November 14 2018

This year was around May, for some reason, blogger made it difficult to post write-ups, so I just stopped.
That's not to say 6-7 poems were not sent out, sometimes 14 different poems between the two groups.
New members came, regulars swelled like tides coming in, always 20, just never the same...

I was grateful for the hiatus, as it was a challenging year with big changes.
Two memorials for my father; a visit in the summer to see my father-in-law, who also passed away,
almost a year after my father.

My husband's retirement, and re-peated, "almost" retirement all summer.

In addition to life at home, we made many trips to visit friends... saw our family as best we could, as
everyone seems super busy.
When not traveling, we did a lot of hosting, and thoroughly enjoyed our sister city contacts, with a visit to Rennes in March, and receiving a delegation in May.

International travel:
March and Aug visit to London;
March in Brussels (as well as London and France);
Trip to Portugal : Aug. 29-September 8.
Trip to Japan : Oct. 21- to Nov. 11

Talks at Rundel (Jan. + April 18) NYSAFLT (March); book launch (May);  Twilight Venus !!
Happy to provide details.

French found increased use moderating tours at MAG from October 6 on for the special exhibit on Monet as well as moderating The French architect (11/14).

I am not sure if writing up the poems makes a difference in my life or not.
It's rather like playing the piano every day -- I don't do this in preparation for a concert, but
for the pure pleasure of being in contact with something that feeds my soul.

I will be using this blog more like a personal sketch book --  but please know I welcome comments.

Poems from Oct. (November:no meeting 10/17, Pittsford)
Thanks to Kathy Button, David Sanders and Elaine Olsson for facilitating 10/24; 10/31 and Nov 7.

Poems for November 14:
Like You, Roque Dalton
The Names, Billy Collins
Names of the Lion -- a selection from David Larsen's translation of Ibn Khalawayh
This is not a Small Voice, Sonia Sanchez
The Blessed Angels, Toi Derricotte
Keeper of Sheep, Alberto Caeiro (one of the many names used by Fernando Pessoa.)
Deleting Names -- a Decaying Sestina, Lawrence Schimel
When Giving is all we have,  Alberto Rios

Poems for November 21:
Thanksgiving in the Anthropocene, 2015 : Craig Santos Perez
The Pumpkin, John Greenleaf Whitter
Peace Path, Heid E. Erdrich
Crows, Marilyn Nelson
The House on Moscow St., Marilyn Nelson
The Moment, Marie Howe
The Moment, Margaret Atwood

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