
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Report of discussion of poems Sept. 14 + 21

Sep 14.....................13 stalwarts present for a super lively session. The gift of the watch was easily the favorite , eliciting lots of comment. Marcie and Judith led the charge for the ladies with great stuff, anecdotes and memories. I think it was Carmen who, after much table talk on one of the poems, asked Martin for his thoughts on the piece. Well ! He had us in stitches and got laughing along with us. Now too long ago to recall the specifics, but the usual breaking into possibilities and hidden meanings ( whether regarding the poet or the personal burrower).
Sep 21.....................About 17 gang members there for another lively session of interpretation, appreciation and general calling for the appearance of the Muse. I know I felt the presence of Madame Blavatsky, particularly when in the spell of a Judith rendition. Bernie was erudite, Don was great and the ladies had some wonderful translations, maybe transmigrations.......There were some favorites....again, so much was wondered upon, and I am away from my notes at the moment. I believe we completed all the poems and group discussions after hours went on 'til nearly 2 PM. David was here, back from NYC for a few days and added more good stuff . You will appreciate that Kathy told me to be quiet as I was interrupting. 5 minutes in the Hall was punishment . No one came to tell me when 5 minutes was gone. Another successful therapy session was, as they say, had by all.....

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