
Monday, May 23, 2016

follow-up two poems for May 11-12

We didn't get to these three May 4-5:
we will not discuss "Forgive me"

When the sun returns by Sarah Browning. (Rundel)

The conceit of the poem seems to be chiding us for wishing... Perhaps the "arc" is both rainbow, but also a bit of Noah's Ark and seeing God's promise. Reality...
Our culture seems based on myths and promises. How many times have you heard
"I would have loved to be..."
Do you answer, "well, what’s stopping you?"

What is real? Are we most alive in that wish?
The title reminds us of how easily we are tempered by the weather...
and how preposterous our chase after what is fleeting -- perhaps never will be...
"Here is our real life — 
a handful of possible peonies"


Uncoupling by Craig Arnold (1967-2009)

This is a poem filled with anagrams.
Teamwork = Two Makem
to get her : together, get to her, got three
a lithe prison: relationship
count on a mimic: communication (I am not uncomic)
listening skills: silent killings
grim area: marriage.

Cleverness that works. My question to the group is why this poem, published by Poetry in 2008, appears in the daily poems on the net NOW.
Some people thought the poem addressed communication -- some untold story of the "I" in family and fail... Others thought it a mood poem...

Craig Arnold disappeared while hiking a volcano in Japan.
His wife, Rebecca Lindeberg is also a poet and her Elegy, "Love an Index" is dedicated to him.
(in the Rundel library)
The epigram:
"To the hands come / many things. In time of trouble / a wild exultation." -- Robert Creeley
In her poem, "Love, a Footnote" she makes a list. It includes her comment, "I love words that can inhabit more than one part of speech, as in A MATCH or to match. Feeling as a way of knowing what you're going to think about something.

In the second part, she has an epigraph from his poem "Mistral"

"They are your heart stutters to see
the letters of another alphabet
a vast lace of calligraphy
a hundred thousand characters of praise."

Losing Language: A Phrasebook
All the phrases for what you say about someone who died, next to feelings that create the person.
My sympathies: I fear to say something that might make it worse.
He was a wonderful father: whatever else I may have thought of him. 

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